Early Pregnancy Justification of Low Economic Status “Poverty”: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health - Health Facility Based Study

  • WABWIRE Paul Francis School of Health Sciences, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda - Kigali Rwanda
  • NAMPEWO Evarine
Keywords: Early Pregnancy, Poverty,, Cross tabulation,, Logistic Regression Analysis.


Early pregnancy in the context of this research is defined as “pregnancy of humans less than
20 yrs as noted to be an old national / worldwide tradition.” The study purposed to establish the
magnitude and the in-depth relationship between early pregnancy and low economic status. It was a
descriptive, cross-sectional study that adopted quantitative data collection and analysis approach in
purposively selected population of “444” mothers attending maternal child health services. Data was
collected using semi-structured questionnaire. Findings were highly associated with Individual,
Family, Communal and Spouse factors under varying levels. Data involving 100 homes predicted H–
1 being wealthier than H-2.


Author Biographies

WABWIRE Paul Francis, School of Health Sciences, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda - Kigali Rwanda

Department of Clinical Medicine and Community Health,


Masafu General District Referral Hospital, Busia District Local Government,

How to Cite
Francis, W. P., & Evarine, N. (2017). Early Pregnancy Justification of Low Economic Status “Poverty”: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health - Health Facility Based Study. IJRDO -JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCES AND NURSING, 2(7), 11-33. https://doi.org/10.53555/hsn.v2i7.1047