English Language Learners: Just Job Seekers or Leaders?

  • Man Bahadur Khatri School of Education, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Keywords: Leader, Entrepreneurs, Prestige,, Employee, Employer etc.


People call English a crazy language but research studies have found people are crazy for
English language all over the world. Many people speak English and it has been working as a
lingua franca in every function in the world where people of different countries/language
backgrounds are met. Sometimes people are found roaming for jobs in the market after
completion of Master’s in English Language Teaching form recognized universities. They are
found quite frustrated. In such cases they are to be envisioned with some good opportunities and
made optimistic, courageous and risk takers. Some people can have good qualification, skills
and desires but they might not have got opportunities. They might have been lacking behind
because of the lack of access to information, encouragement and guidance. For them, this article
can become a direction, hope of ray, trail for destination and oasis for optimism. English
Language Learners can become good entrepreneurs, leaders, counselors, mentors, motivators,
administrators and so on. But, not just a job seekers and passive employees in 21st century.


Author Biography

Man Bahadur Khatri, School of Education, Kathmandu University, Nepal

Faculty Member: Education English Department, Tribhuvan University, Sanothimi Campus,

How to Cite
Khatri, M. B. (2016). English Language Learners: Just Job Seekers or Leaders?. IJRDO- Journal of Educational Research, 1(1), 01-07. https://doi.org/10.53555/er.v1i1.469