Distance Education becomes Moral Distancing in UNAM’s SUAyED. Towards a Gender approach

  • Evelyn Elenes (Education by UNAM, Mexico)
Keywords: Distance, Education, becomes, Distancing, SUAyED, Gender, approach


This dissertation problematizes the conventional arithmetic measurement as a
specific resource to explain the studies of abandonment in the Distance Education
System of the UNAM, for which it offers a theoretical concept to be able to explain
the Psychosocial situation attitude of abandonment, namely moral distancing. The
concept is explained dialectically through two monographs, seen from a gender
perspective, of students with a failed trajectory in the system. The possibility is left
open to solve the problem.


Author Biography

Evelyn Elenes, (Education by UNAM, Mexico)

PhD in Latinamerican Studies
Now Working as a researcher in CUAED (Coordination of Open and Distance

How to Cite
Elenes, E. (2017). Distance Education becomes Moral Distancing in UNAM’s SUAyED. Towards a Gender approach. IJRDO- Journal of Educational Research, 2(6), 01-17. https://doi.org/10.53555/er.v2i6.233