Optimization Strategy of an Electric Energy Multi - Source Power Station

  • Ndjiya Ngasop National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI), University of Ngaoundere,
  • Ndjiya Ngasop National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI), University of Ngaoundere
  • Nana Tayou ENSAI/University of Ngaoundere
  • Ernest Kiata University of Ngaoundere
  • Haman- Djalo ENSAI/University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon
Keywords: Strategies, Optimization, Electric energy, Multi - Source station, Ants Colonies of Power station


This study presents a strategy for economic and environmental optimization of a multi - source power station while satisfying demand and deducting the on line active losses using the algorithm method of an ant colony, implemented in a MATLAB environment version 7.6. Values of μ, the coefficient of ponderation was in the range 0< μ <1 and at μ= 0.6, we obtained the optimal conditions which include, for the IEEE 30 nodes network, the cost of production was 819.996 $/h, emissions 0.269 Ton/h and the total Cost 968.33036$/h, on lines losses of 6.92 MW with a calculation time of 6.38 seconds. For the Algerian 114 nodes network, we obtained the cost of production as 19668.9445 $/h, emissions of 0.673 Ton/h, the total cost of 20596.032 $/h, on line losses of 17.1MW with a calculation time of 9.179 second. The results revealed that whatever the size of the network, ACO gave optimal values and from networks of more than 10 generators, ACOS fastest convergence time. We concluded that the strategy presents a good result compared to other Meta – heuristic methods


Author Biographies

Ndjiya Ngasop, National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI), University of Ngaoundere,

Department of Electrical Engineering

Ndjiya Ngasop, National School of Agro-Industrial Sciences (ENSAI), University of Ngaoundere

Department of Process Engineering

Nana Tayou, ENSAI/University of Ngaoundere

Laboratory of Energy

ignal, Imagery and Automation (LESIA)

Ernest Kiata, University of Ngaoundere

Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences

Haman- Djalo, ENSAI/University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon

Laboratory of Energy, Signal

Imagery and Automation (LESIA)

How to Cite
Ngasop, N., Ngasop, N., Tayou, N., Kiata, E., & Djalo, H.-. (2016). Optimization Strategy of an Electric Energy Multi - Source Power Station. IJRDO - Journal of Electrical And Electronics Engineering, 2(7), 01-11. https://doi.org/10.53555/eee.v2i7.201