Implementation Of Architecture Based Object Oriented Software System Reliability Prediction Model : Research Paper

  • Shailja Kashyap student M.Tech (CSE), BRCM-CET, Bahal, India
  • Durgesh Srivastava assistant Professor, CSE Department, BRCM-CET, Bahal, India.
Keywords: Software reliability, UML, Measurement tool,, Measurement methods, Object oriented systems.


Reliability of software system is the measure of extent to which a system can work efficiently and as
expected, subjected to certain constraints and time period .Prediction or measurement of reliability of
software system have been in lime light in world of software engineering researches .Multiple
models and measurement tools have been designed to estimated the reliability based on different
criteria for example, some models are based on failure rate, some on complexity matrix and others
on system component failure probabilities .In this paper we introduce a system or software tool to
predict object oriented software reliability at design and analysis phase .System is an implementation
of already existing architecture based model , which makes use of annotated UML diagrams .The
system output helps the user to easily calculate various failure probabilities and at the end over all
system reliability ,at design phase itself, so the appropriate steps could be taken at an early stage
.UML diagrams are created using UMLET software and the system have been developed in CPP .


Author Biographies

Shailja Kashyap, student M.Tech (CSE), BRCM-CET, Bahal, India

Student M.Tech (CSE), BRCM-CET, Bahal, India. 9461059381

Durgesh Srivastava, assistant Professor, CSE Department, BRCM-CET, Bahal, India.

Assistant Professor, CSE Department, BRCM-CET, Bahal, India.

How to Cite
Kashyap, S., & Srivastava, D. (2016). Implementation Of Architecture Based Object Oriented Software System Reliability Prediction Model : Research Paper. IJRDO -Journal of Computer Science Engineering, 2(10), 01-11.