Controlling System for Cloud and Sensor Networks by Authenticated Trust and Reputation Calculation Integration

  • Ms.Vedambika M New Horizon College of Engineering
Keywords: Cloud computing, Wireless sensor network, cloud service providers, sensor network suppliers, authenticated trust and reputation calculation and management (ATRCM) and cloud service user (CSU)


Abstract: The integration Cloud computing – Wireless sensor network has been attracting
the attention of several researchers both in the academia and the industry as it provides
many opportunities for organizations by offering a range of computing services. So, data
gathering capability of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) become easy. For cloud
computing to become widely adopted by both the enterprises and individuals, several issues
have to be solved. In any case, authentication as well as trust and reputation calculation
and management of cloud service providers (CSPs) and sensor network suppliers (SNPs)
are two exceptionally critical and barely explored issues for this new paradigm. To fill the
gap, our paper proposes a novel authenticated trust and reputation calculation and
management (ATRCM) framework for CC-WSN combination or integration. Considering
the authenticity of CSP and SNP, the attribute necessity of cloud service user (CSU) and
CSP, the expense, trust, and reputation of the service of CSP and SNP, the proposed
ATRCM framework accomplishes the three functions: 1) verifying CSP and SNP to stay
away from malicious impersonation attacks; 2) computing and managing trust and
reputation with respect to the service of CSP and SNP; and 3) helping CSU choose
desirable CSP and assisting CSP in selecting suitable SNP. Detailed analysis and design as
well as further functionality evaluation result are presented to exhibit the effectiveness of
ATRCM, followed with system security analysis


Author Biography

Ms.Vedambika M, New Horizon College of Engineering

M.Tech Scholar, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
New Horizon College of Engineering,
Bangalore, India

How to Cite
M, M. (2016). Controlling System for Cloud and Sensor Networks by Authenticated Trust and Reputation Calculation Integration. IJRDO -Journal of Computer Science Engineering, 2(6), 14-22.