Prevention And Control Of Cyber Crimes

  • Dr. Navneet Kaur Director (Computers) Mohali, Punjab
Keywords: ay-to-day activit, constitutiona, Penal Code, cyber crime


Computers and their use is a day-to-day activity of all the students, professionals,
teachers, universities, and banks, supermarkets, in the entertainment field, in medical
profession and also in higher education. The use of this weapon is spreading vary
widely in all parts of our society. As every weapon has two ways of operation, one is
good and essential and the other is bad and not essential. Many times, whenever a
new weapon is invented, many people use it unknowingly for the wrong purposei
. So
to aware them and to make the proper use of the power of the newly invented weapon,
laws are to be formulated and should be implemented.
Cyber crime is a generic term that refers to all criminal activities done using the
medium of computers, the Internet, cyber space and the worldwide web. There isn’t
really a fixed definition for cyber crime. The Indian Law has not given any definition
to the term „cyber crime‟. In fact, the Indian Penal Code does not use the term „cyber
crime‟ at any point even after its amendment by the Information Technology
(amendment) Act 2008, the Indian Cyber law But “Cyber Security” means protecting
information, equipment, devices computer, computer resource, communication device
and information stored therein from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption,
modification or destruction.
The word “cyber law” encompasses all the cases, statutes and constitutional
provisions that affect persons and institutions who control the entry to cyber space
provide access to cyberspace, create the hardware and software which enable people
to access cyberspace or use their own devices to go “online” and enter cyberspace. In
simple way we can say that cyber crime is unlawful acts wherein the computer is
either a tool or a target or both. Cyber crimes can involve criminal activities that are
traditional in nature, such as theft, fraud, forgery, defamation and mischief, all of
which are subject to the Indian Penal Code. The abuse of computers has also given


Author Biography

Dr. Navneet Kaur, Director (Computers) Mohali, Punjab

Director (Computers)
Mohali, Punjab

How to Cite
Kaur, D. N. (2016). Prevention And Control Of Cyber Crimes. IJRDO -Journal of Computer Science Engineering, 2(9).