Secure Data Transfer in Personal Area Network

  • Shiv Kumar Mewar University, Gangrar
  • Shrawan kumar shrama Mewar University, Gangrar
  • Awanit kumar Mewar University, Gangrar
Keywords: Li-fi, Wi-Fi, LED, optical wireless communication, wireless network, Spectrum, visible light


Now a d’ays everyone using net in their home or in small office or we can say within a small
area. The problem is transfer data from one node to other node in a room or in a hall with minimum costing
and minimum maintenance. But we have to save energy also. There are several techniques or method to
transfer data in a small premise like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Li-Fi and quantum physics. According to our
requirement security means privacy, integrity, timeliness and non repudiation. While costing is most
important for small organization also. Implementation and maintenance of Wi-Fi is more costly then Li-Fi.
Li-Fi is more secure then Wi-Fi because data is transfer from one node to another is done using light. It is
cost effective also because we have not to use additional light to light the room or office. Its maintenance is
also very easy. So, we can say that LI-Fi is better than Wi-Fi in terms of costing, privacy and maintenance.


Author Biographies

Shiv Kumar, Mewar University, Gangrar

Computer Science & Engineering, 

Shrawan kumar shrama, Mewar University, Gangrar

Computer Science & Engineering, 

Awanit kumar, Mewar University, Gangrar

Computer Science & Engineering, 

How to Cite
Kumar, S., shrama, S. kumar, & kumar, A. (2015). Secure Data Transfer in Personal Area Network. IJRDO -Journal of Computer Science Engineering, 1(3), 57-64.