Big data and its impact on digitized supply chain management

  • Md. Tahiduzzaman Jessore University of Science and Technology
  • Mustafizur Rahman Jessore University of Science and Technology
  • Samrat Kumar Dey Jessore University of Science and Technology
  • Md. Sumon Rahman Jessore University of Science and Technology
  • S. M. Akash Jessore University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Big data, Supply chain management, Digital transformation


Day by day the customers demand changing rapidly, it is very difficult for a company to identify demand. Big data used in supply chain management helps to create better customer demand planning strategies by collecting, documenting & analyzing data in a real situation. Big data combined a set of data usually referred as large and complex datasets; enables the company to review real-time data flows. Digitized supply chains have the potential to dramatically lower costs, reduce lead time and increase product availability. Digitization makes the supply chain more effective, agile and responsive by sharing knowledge and collaborating complex supplier networks. As a result, this research work helps a manager to identify the current situation of their business and it will help them to take timely, fast and better decision.


Author Biographies

Md. Tahiduzzaman, Jessore University of Science and Technology

Faculty, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering

Mustafizur Rahman, Jessore University of Science and Technology

Faculty, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering

Samrat Kumar Dey, Jessore University of Science and Technology

Faculty, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering

Md. Sumon Rahman, Jessore University of Science and Technology

Faculty, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering

S. M. Akash, Jessore University of Science and Technology

Student, Department of Industrial and Production Engineering

How to Cite
Tahiduzzaman, M., Rahman, M., Dey, S. K., Rahman, M. S., & Akash, S. M. (2017). Big data and its impact on digitized supply chain management. IJRDO - Journal of Business Management, 3(9), 196-208.