Efficacy of Stream Sediment Survey in delineating geochemical halos: A case study of well and non-shed areas in the Gambe-Tola Baryte District, Northeastern Nigeria

  • Maimuna Halilu Modibbo Adama University of Technology,
Keywords: Stream sediment,, Gambe,, Tola, Baryte,, Northeastern Nigeria


The efficacy of stream sediment survey in delineating geochemical halos is assessed in the
Gambe-Tola Area of Northeastern Nigeria. Well-shed area had a higher statistical probability of
being associated with geochemical halos synonymous with elevated concentrations in the rocks
whereas less shed shed areas sometimes showed little or no correlation to elevated
concentrations in the rocks. Efforts to trace known Baryte mineralization in the area through
geochemical halos from stream sediment was unsuccessful as the mineralized areas were not
well shed, due to large dispersion distance at sampling and natural solubility of BaSo4 in water.


Author Biography

Maimuna Halilu, Modibbo Adama University of Technology,

Department of Geology

How to Cite
Halilu, M. (2017). Efficacy of Stream Sediment Survey in delineating geochemical halos: A case study of well and non-shed areas in the Gambe-Tola Baryte District, Northeastern Nigeria. IJRDO-Journal of Applied Science, 3(8), 152-157. https://doi.org/10.53555/as.v3i8.1350